About Me

Hi, my name is Alexa!
My heart was shattered and my world was redefined after losing my dad, Randy, on July 3rd, 2022. When I got the call that he had a heart attack I knew right away he was no longer here in the physical world. I knew because I saw a bird fly up to my window and hover in front of me for several minutes. In that moment I felt my Dad give me one of his big hugs and let me know he made it to the other side.​ Since that day I have never stopped feeling his hugs, seeing his "signs", and hearing his ever loving guidance in dreams, meditation, and especially when life gets tough.
I am a trained and licensed physician assistant from the University of Washington - MEDEX NW PA Program. I have a passion for holistic medicine and getting down to the root cause of your disease and/or symptoms. I have integrated a functional medicine approach to bring a wellness alternative to you.
See "Wellness" tab
I am also a Reiki Master that has the blessing of delivering positive healing through energy and messages to those that need it. Growing up Catholic I never embraced my spirituality or intuition. Over the years I've realized this is a very valuable and beautiful tool. My goal is to bring the maximum amount of healing to the client so they may continue on their pursuit of living a big, beautiful life.
As a woman of many passions -
In my free time I enjoy painting and pursuing art endeavors to feed my soul.
Thank you for being here!
With much love,

Image by: Cortney Oh Photography
“Everything that has happened to you has also happened for you, if you allow it”
- Oprah Winfrey